For a while now I had been considering "downgrading in technology" and getting a point and shoot digital camera, but as it was not a necessary item to obtain, it was very low on my priority list. So, while rummaging through my brother's room, since it's more or less a disaster and I probably know more of what's in his room than he does, I found his camera and decided to take it into my own care. After ripping through his room for about 45 minutes, I found the power cord and now it resides in my purse.
Already, we have experienced adventures in New Brunswick, since Chels and I moved into our new apartment on Monday (where I was asked if I know how to actually use one of these), a beach adventure in Point Pleasant (where I was told I can't be trusted with a camera), and a night of pulp action role playing (where I was a Russian assassin) and tequila shots. I am also happy to say that iPhoto and I are becoming acquainted again and it is quite lovely.
My only complaints are that the camera is extremely crappy due to poor treatment by it's previous owner. Sometimes the camera won't focus even when you hold the button down halfway, so you have to tell whoever you're taking a picture of to wait, and restart the camera until it decides to work. Also, I have many fears that the lens will decide to not open, or close one day, since it makes an awful sound when it switches into the picture taking mode. My "new" camera has character and I'm ok with that because I have a tendency to purposely take awful and stereotypical pictures when given a point and shoot anyway, so I suppose it is fitting.
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